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Meet the Team

康考迪亚大学欧文分校最大的资产之一是我们敬业的教师队伍. In a small learning environment, 我们的教授关心你——不仅仅是你的表现——他们与他们所教的学生建立终身的师徒关系.

Associated Faculty

  • Jasmine Anderson Anderson, Jasmine, M.Ed, ATC
  • 运动训练教育项目的兼职教员/临床教育协调员
  • (949) 214-3273
Jasmine Anderson


Degrees Earned

  • Concordia University, Irvine, CA -博彩平台推荐科学文学学士,重点是运动训练
  • 康考迪亚大学,欧文,加州-加州单一学科教学证书
  • Concordia University, Irvine, CA – Master of Education with an emphasis in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
  • CUEnet, Bend, OR - Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Colloquy Certificate



Jasmine is an alumni of Concordia University, 在那里她获得了运动科学学士学位,重点是运动训练. 毕业后,她在马鞍峰学院担任足球和棒球项目的运动教练, while she pursued her single subject California teaching credential. 在完成她的教学证书课程后,贾斯敏开始在圣胡安卡皮斯特拉诺的JSerra天主教高中担任科学教师和运动教练, CA. 然后,贾思敏继续完成了她的教育硕士学位,重点是课程, instruction, and assessment. Upon finishing her master’s degree, 然后,她在欧文的克林路德高中担任教学和运动训练职位, CA. During her nearly ten-year tenure at Crean Lutheran, Jasmine served as the head athletic trainer, a science teacher, the science department chair, a WASC leadership team member, the director of cohort programming, and the director of faculty.

Outside of her passion for teaching and educational experiences, 贾思敏有很多机会在她的运动医学专业中成长. Prior to teaching, 她在物理治疗工作了六年,并完成了广泛的夏季医疗轮转与当地的骨科医生. At JSerra, 她帮助进一步发展运动医学项目,增加了更多的强调伤病康复的重要性,并教育运动员和教练有关预防保健. At Crean Lutheran, 她从头开始制定了运动训练计划,并制定了广泛的脑震荡管理计划,得到了该地区许多脑震荡专家的认可.

Jasmine也是通过认证委员会(BOC)认证的运动教练,并在国家运动教练协会(NATA)拥有良好的信誉。, the Far West Athletic Trainers’ Association (FWATA), and the California Athletic Trainers’ Association (CATA).

When Jasmine is not on campus serving in one of her roles at Concordia, she is at home spending time with her family. She is married to a wonderful man, who is also an athletic trainer, and they have 6 children together. 他们的家庭非常忙碌,因为他们的孩子从7岁到1岁不等(最小的两个是双胞胎)。, but they have a lot of fun together and could not be more blessed!

  • Glory Fung Fung, Glory, ATC
  • Head Athletic Trainer, Adjunct Faculty
  • Gym 107
  • (949) 214-3245
Glory Fung

Head Athletic Trainer


Hometown: Lake Forest, CA

Glory Fung于2012年来到康科迪亚,成为新的首席运动教练. Fung comes most recently from Azusa Pacific, where he was an assistant athletic trainer from 2007-2012. 除了监督整个康科迪亚运动训练部, he will work directly with cross country and softball.

Fung earned his B.A. from Azusa Pacific University and his M.A. from San Jose State University. He worked with football and track & field at APU. He also spent time at California Baptist and Cal State Monterey Bay.

He is certified with the NAIA and played basketball and tennis. 冯德伦和他的妻子杰姬以及他们的孩子瑞拉(3岁)和塞拉(2岁)住在一起。. 他喜欢看ESPN、与初中事工一起工作、宣教旅行和家庭时光.


  • ESS 110: CPR/First Aid
  • ESS 238: Observation Clinical Coursework I
  • ESS 239: Observation Clinical Coursework II

Adjunct Faculty

  • Terry Olson Olson, Terry, Ph.D.
  • ESS Department Chair / Assistant Dean
  • Alpha 107 E
  • (949) 214-3270
Terry Olson

Department Chair/Assistant Dean

Degrees Earned

  • University of New Mexico, Ph.D in Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science 2009
  • University of New Mexico, M.S. in Physical Education Pedagogy 2005
  • New Mexico State University, B.S. in Physical Education 2000


Dr. 特里·奥尔森(Terry Olson)是康考迪亚大学欧文分校(Concordia University Irvine)运动与运动科学(ESS)副教授兼主席. Terry received his Ph.新墨西哥大学体育教师教育(PETE)项目的研究和教学助理. Dr. 奥尔森目前的研究重点是体育职前教师的自我调节和批判性思维. Prior to teaching at Concordia, 特里是德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校的临床助理教授.

特里继续与社区密切合作,作为健康和保健的倡导者. 特里目前为许多当地非营利组织提供健康和领导力教育,并为他们的健康计划提供帮助.E.A.D.S. 向上为奥兰治县服务不足的人口以及彭德尔顿军营的军人提供教育支持.

Prior to Terry’s academic career, he served in the U.S. 在美国独立号航空母舰上担任FA - 18大黄蜂飞机结构机械师, Japan.

When Terry is not working, 他喜欢与妻子米歇尔和两个孩子泰勒和梅西共度时光.

Vance Tammen

Associated Faculty

Degrees Earned

  • B.S. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
  • M.S. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
  • PhD University of Illinois, Urbana, IL


Dr. Tammen teaches motor learning, 运动心理学和运动和体育教育的历史和社会文化基础. 他的研究方向是运动和体育活动的社会心理学. He has two main area of research 1) motivation of coaches and athletes, 2) wellness across the life span. He has written 3 book chapters, 6 refereed journal publications, over 30 refereed publications in conference proceeding, over 30 original service publications, has conducted over 65 refereed scholarly presentations, conducted over 40 sport psychology service presentations, 并为运动员提供了数千小时的运动心理服务, coaches, & organizations. Dr. 塔曼还帮助创建了康考迪亚大学教练和体育管理硕士学位课程.

Prior to God’s call to Concordia University, Dr. Tammen was an Assistant Professor at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, 在此之前,他是墨尔本维多利亚大学运动心理学的讲师, Australia. 他还在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校和堪萨斯州立大学任教. 他在科罗拉多斯普林斯的美国奥林匹克训练中心做运动心理学实习.

Dr. Tammen played football into his early 30s, but he now enjoys all forms of sport and physical activity.

他的研究方向是运动和体育活动的社会心理学. He has two main area of research 1) motivation of coaches and athletes, 2) wellness across the life span. He has written 3 book chapters, 6 refereed journal publications, over 30 refereed publications in conference proceeding, over 30 original service publications, has conducted over 65 refereed scholarly presentations, conducted over 40 sport psychology service presentations, 并为运动员提供了数千小时的运动心理服务, coaches, & organizations.

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